What is Access Consciousness?
Access Consciousness ® is a set of tools that you can use every single day of your life.
These tools empower you to “know what you know” and to create the life that you desire and know that is possible in a practical way, far from the trauma and the drama.
You are the creator of your life and no one else but you can choose and create the change you are looking for.
Access Consciousness ® is available in more than 170 countries and has contributed to change the life of thousands of people around the world in the last 30 years.
Bars Sessions
The Bars® is a set of 32 points on the head which, when lightly touched, stimulate positive change in the brain and defragment the electro-magnetic components of stress, thought and emotions. This gentle, noninvasive technique works on releasing both physical and mental blocks stored in the body and helps facilitate greater ease in all different areas of life.
The Access Energetic Facelift is a dynamic yet gentle hands-on body process that deepens and quickens.
the body’s natural healing capacities, allowing the cells of your face to reclaim their natural glow, youth and beauty.
This process is for anyone interested in looking and feeling more energetic and youthful. The Access Facelift also can contribute to overall healing, wellbeing, and ease in the body.
Body Process Session
An Access Consciousness ® body process is a hands-on process on different parts of the body that asks for specific energies to run on each point.
These energies are natural energies from anywhere in the Universe that the body can access.
Book your Session Now
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